Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Woman Strength

It takes a stronger man
To value a woman’s strength
To encourage her strength
Not to be threatened by it
But see it as a sign of his own strength
In a world where some men need weak women to feel strong
Where some men get validation from physical dominance
Where dependent, submissive and needy women are celebrated
A Media that commercialised self-disrespecting and confused girls
Yes, I stand my ground!
It takes a stronger man to love a strong woman
Not to be wavered by societies misrepresentation of masculinity
Not to conform to the patterns of this world
To understand and recognise that in a woman’s strength lies hidden vulnerability

To know that it takes a strong woman to show vulnerability

Copyright April 2009 - Eddy Planer

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Hope is a nice word,
people use it a lot.
Hope has a deep meaning which should not be forgot.
Hope to some means, life or death.
Hope to others, is to win a bet.
To all those people,
that do not need Hope.
I hope this sinks in,
my message about Hope.